Thursday, December 16, 2010


As Eve was looking at the TV, I showed her the green thingy with things pointing out of it. As I did that she started to act weird. Then her body open up and swallowed the green thingy and then she stopped moving. As the days pass, day after day she didn’t move. But still I loved her and brought her everywhere. Then one day the ship that brought her to this city came to get her back. When I saw the ship I speeded to where Eve was. The ship was here to get her back but it was too late. She was already in the ship. Still I wouldn’t give up. I climbed on to the ship and it started to fly. It blasted into outer space. I got to see many things I didn’t before. As we draw close to something floating in the air. It was a spaceship. Inside the spaceship were people that moved in floating seats. I followed Eve to a tall building. There was a man that was the ruler of the spaceship. There, the ruler was going to open Eve, but he didn’t know what to do because this has never happened before.

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